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Just completed my first day at the Clocktower Chamber Music Festival in Durango, Colorado. The festival is the brainchild of violinist Mikayla Myers McTeer and pianist Lisa Campi. Lisa is a dear friend and one of my oldest and closest musical associates. We’ve known each other nearly 20 years and have played together in all kinds of recitals and festivals and co-founded the Taliesin Trio, which was a big part of my musical life in the 90s.

 What a great contrast after four days working with conducting students. I have to say, it’s a relief to be making sound (even on a borrowed cello) rather than encouraging sound (or worse yet, trying to explain how better to encourage sound) right now. Repertoire couldn’t be better- today was the Mozart D Major quartet (“Hoffmeister”) and the Dvorak Piano Quintet. Lisa’s the only person here I’ve worked with before, and I have to say that it is refreshing to meet new colleagues. We started with the Mozart and it was great just to launch into a piece like that with three musicians you’ve never met. Should be a memorable week, but I’ve got some practicing to do.