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From the Durago Herald review-

 “More than 200 Durangoans, a combination of the lucky and the good, enjoyed two remarkable chamber music concerts over the weekend at Fort Lewis College.

The assembled talent handled the technical challenges of several gems of the repertoire with relative ease. Both the Saturday and the Sunday performances ended with a beloved piano quintet, the first by Dvorak and the second by Shostakovich, masterworks masterfully played by passionate players clearly in love with these composers. “

“After intermission, the concerts offered their main events. Saturday’s concert ended with Antoni­n Dvorak’s Piano Quintet in A Major. The assembled forces offered a sensitive and impassioned version of the work, which ranges from the finest of tasteful romanticism to the keen mysteries and earthy violence of Eastern European folk forms.

If the players were truly joyful in this work, they captured just as accurately the delicious Russian melancholy – a more extreme form of the ailment which is yet not quite depression – in Dmitri Shostakovich’s Piano Quintet in G Minor on Sunday. Perhaps the most remarkable section of the work is the slow, fugal second movement. Each instrument enters pianissimo, trembling like a new crack on a frozen pond. The intensity builds by wonderful increments, marching to terrible peaks of passion before falling again under a growing weight of discordant tones.”

  Faure Piano Quintet