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Alarm. Snooze. 

And I thought I was done. 

Alarm. Rehearsal. Surrey. Damn. Snooze. Alarm. Damn. Rehearsal.Surrey. Grunting. Moaning. Shoulder-sore. Head- hurts. Back- aches. 

Shower.Grunting. Moaning. Coffee. Grunting. “Breakfast?”

(Say yoghurt, say yoghurt, say yoghurt)

A croaking sound “bacon and eggs…” 

Who said that? Don’t feel up to eating, much less digesting… 

Won’t get lunch today. Won’t get dinner til 10 PM.

 Bacon and eggs it is.

Food- eaten. Yum. Coffee- drunk.

Scores. Batons. Shoes. Pat dog. Kiss wife. Must do these in the right order. Once patted wife before realized who I’d kissed.

Car. Road. Drive. Drive. Drive. 

Gas, coffee. Call dog. Realize dog has no phone. Call wife. 

Car. Road. Drive. Drive. Stop. 

Sit in car. Look at bag of scores. Possible moaning. 

Sit in car. Scores still in bag. Get out. Moaning. Grunting. Back-aches. Shoulder-sore. Head-hurts. Everyone is smiling. Why? Who are all these people? Do we really have to rehearse all afternoon? Smile Ken- it’s not their fault. A= 440. “Beethoven. Allegro.” Sounds good. Balances. Bow strokes. It’s a nice day outside. Lets try the coda. “Schumann.” This is great. I’m thinking in sentences. What a wonderful piece. Band sounds good, we can work on stuff. First movement is just balance stuff to fix, otherwise a joy. Second movement is usually hard to find one tempo for all three themes, but it grooves. Shoulder- fine I’m not queasy. Last movement. Too slow.  Haven’t been queasy in a long time. Slowing down. Head-fine. Slowing down. Get rid of extra accents not in score. Tempo- good. Back- good. Bobby rocks. Bobby Schumann rocks! Out of time. Now who’s smiling? Am I a vampire- they come in fresh and leave exhausted, I come in half dead and leave bouncing off the walls. Bobby rocks. Car. 

Road. Drive. Drive. Drive Home.

More Smiles.