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Seven PM. Best thing about the Electric Theatre is that they have a great little café and bar. I had a fantastic mezze plate- lots of lovely homemade hummous, sundried tomatos, asparagus, fresh mozzarella and the like. I normally don’t eat before concerts, but if one must, that’s the perfect food. Also, you can sit outside where it’s lovely and cool. Did I mention how unbelievably hot it is on stage?

Now remain only the last pre-concert rituals. Chatted with Gemma- she seems pleased. I get on with most soloists, but it’s always a good sign if we feel like we can just say hi and good luck, instead of lots of “good we just?” and “is it possible here to”’s. None of those today.

Never got my suit to the cleaners this week, so just ironed it to try and look a little less disheveled. Of course, I won’t be sheveled by the end of the Beethoven anyway.

Now, just a bit of peace and quiet. I don’t have a preconcert routine- I don’t want to ever be freaking out that I missed my routine, but time allowing, it’s nice to just do some deep breathing and sort of empty myself….

c. 2007 Kenneth Woods