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This may be the best deal in the world for Mahler fans-

This edition of the 7th Symphony in Facsimile edited by Donald Mitchel with a huge commemorative book goes for $430-700 bucks in the US, now 35 Euros- it is quite gorgeous and inspiring to look at. No idea how many they have in stock, but they do ship internationally. I’ve been fondling my copy all morning

On a different note, thanks everyone for the congratulatory messages about my Orchestra of the Swan appointment. They’re a fine orchestra and it’s going to be great fun working with them. If you missed it the first time, there is an account of my first concert with them here.

I’m off up the M6 (my least favorite regular commute, especially on Fridays) again today for a WSO rehearsal. My first chance to hear our soloist on the Brahms D minor. Fingers crossed for easy traffic (not likely if it is still raining) and great pianism (poor chap- wait till he sees the piano).