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2009 Repertoire Report- Stephen Hough

So far, all of our 2009 Repertoire Reports have been on either conductors or orchestras, and I thought it would be very interesting to look at a report for a leading non-conductor. Pianist Stephen Hough is certainly by every measure one of the top artists in the world...

2009 Repertoire Report- Foster Beyers

This is what I’m talking about- Foster Beyers, a fairly regular commenter at Vftp and fine conductor, has submitted his list. It sounds like the conducting program at Minnesota must be a sweet setup for them to do so much opera. Thanks for contribuing, Foster....

2009 Repertoire Report- Marin Alsop

Judy, a young conductor in Baltimore, has looked up to Marin Alsop for many years “more because I love her programming and her passion for connection with audiences than because she’s also a woman,” so she’s assembled a repertoire report for Marin to see just how that...