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I’m sorry that regular readers have been missing out on their Vftp fix of late- I’ve just been too busy to write anything of value between the rigors of OES Camp and the preparations for the Rose City Workshop. The good news, if you actually look forward to the latest news from Vftp, is that I’ve got a backlog of stuff to talk about, so as work settles down, things should start to improve.

Meanwhile, there is a great piece in today’s Oregonian from David Stabler or Ernest Bloch, one of my favorite composers, who I’ve written about here, herehere and here. You should all read it!

I’ve noted with some sadness that his name has barely been mentioned alonside other 2009 annversary composers like Mendelssohn and Haydn. I am doing one of the Concerti Grossi in Manchester in October as an anniversary celebration, but would love to be doing more.

There are some great pieces to explore- from the drama and passion of Schelomo and the First String Quartet to the fire-breathing intensity of the 1st Piano Quintet to the mystery and exoticism of the Suite for Viola and Orchestra. The Nocturnes from Piano Trio are just about perfect miniatures, and the Suites for Solo Cello are deeply moving reflections on his models- the Bach suites. There is much more.  Check it out.