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Conductor evaluations

An interesting piece on conductor evaluations. To their credit, many of those interviewed stressed the value of feedback getting to the conductors and not just being kept on file or discussed inside the orchestra. Check it...

How to get a gig with Ken….

Like all conductors, I get lots of inquiries every year from soloists, agents and other conductors. I’ll only ever be able to engage the tiniest minority of them, although most people who send me stuff are extremely well-qualified. If we didn’t hire you, the most...

Take me Eddie, I’m yours

Back home after 3 weeks away and happily recovering from the hard work on Das Lied last week (what a piece!), I’ve been looking at my pile-o-scores and it’s hit me that I have a lot of Elgar to do all of the sudden. I’m conducting Enigma Variations, the First Symphony...