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I think therefore I am

Okay, I’ve been tagged. Daniel Wolf at Renewable Music has tagged me as he was tagged by Matthew Guerrieri at Soho the Dog. It’s official- I’ve won the Thinking Blogger Award. Here’s how it works 1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs...


So, later this week, I’m conducting, among other things, the Schumann Cello Concerto with the Surrey Mozart Players as part of our ongoing Schumann cycle. I find cello works challenging to accompany in a very specific way, because I’ve played most of them myself and...


Programming is a practice that falls somewhere in the cracks between high art, alchemy and sausage making. There are two kinds of decisions orchestras make that greatly overshadow all other concerns. 1-       What are we going to play 2-       Who’s going to play it...

The ultimate test of musical genius

So… how does one identify true musical genius in the 21st Century? Is it a composer with a new harmonic vocabulary? A conductor with photographic memory? A violinist with perfect pitch? A pianist with ten brains for ten fingers? I, for one, look to poetry. Magnetic...