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At the crossroads

One of the coolest things about life as a travelling musician is getting to experience the unique quirks and qualities of different communities. I’ve worked in Pendleton for what seems like a very long time, but the community remains mysterious in many ways. Pendleton...

Various items

Things are a little chaotic this week with the OES Mahler 4 coming up, so this post will be rather random. First- thanks to everyone at Wilmslow Symphony for a great first concert together on Saturday. I appreciated the friendly vibe, but I really appreciated the...

To G. Schirmer with love-

The plucky little chamber orchestra is a labor of love for the musicians, who started it themselves so they would have a chance to do interesting repertoire with conductors they wanted to work with. One project they’ve latched onto is performing all of the major...

The coach goes to his bench….

I recently conducted a concert where nearly half the members of the regular wind section were missing for a variety of reasons. In a Beethoven sized group, we had completely different horn, trumpet and flute sections, and were missing our usual principal bassoonist....