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RCICW 08 Day Two

Day two of the RCICW- there is still so much I want to say about my week at Round Top and last week in Pendleton, but the hour is late and so I must limit myself to thoughts about today. We began today with the Discovery Program students conducting the 1st mvt of the...

RCICW 08 Day One!

I’ve literally not had a second to sit down and do even the shortest blog post in some time, and don’t have any time now either. However, the beginning of the Rose City International Conductor’s Workshop each summer has become such an important moment in my year that...

Cheesehead Intermezzo

I’m sorry for the lack of new content here this week- I’ve been in my hometown of Madison, Wisconsin for a few days, and there has been a lot of sentimental favorite beers and coffees that had to be consumed, as well old friends and family to visit. Musically, Madison...

Back at Round top

I’m on the ground for an all-too-short to Festival Hill at Round Top, my first visit here in several years. The food is still great, and the grounds are as beautiful- an inimitable mixture of the immaculate and the rough-and ready, with stone monuments and incredible...