by Kenneth Woods | Nov 6, 2007 | A view from the podium, Favorite posts, Mahler, Nuts and bolts
Here’s a short excerpt of last week’s performance by the Rose City Chamber Orchestra of Schubert’s “Death and the Maiden” quartet as arranged by Mahler and me. Without changing a single note of the work, Mahler’s version makes...
by Kenneth Woods | Nov 5, 2007 | A view from the podium, Favorite posts, Haydn, Mahler, Nuts and bolts
12 Tone music is dead. Yeah, right…. Given the fact that the stats, email and the comment page tell me that my rather arcane post on tonality from Saturday is one of the most read and discussed posts I’ve ever done here, I would say that this music still has almost...
by Kenneth Woods | Nov 3, 2007 | A view from the podium, Mahler, Music and Media, Nuts and bolts
12-tone music is popping up all over the blogosphere lately, or, that is, discussions about it- how all those empty halls for performances of Beethoven symphonies were actually caused by Milton Babbitt and about how so much insipid monotonal neo-pasctichio music is...
by Kenneth Woods | Oct 20, 2007 | A view from the podium, Mahler, Nuts and bolts
It’s generally accepted that if you want an orchestra to improve, you should rehearse and perform a great deal of Haydn and Mozart. True! However, one thing I’ve been surprised at is what an effective orchestral etude Mahler 4 is. Perhaps it’s not surprising, since...
by Kenneth Woods | Oct 19, 2007 | A view from the podium, Mahler, Nuts and bolts, Performing Life
Friday morning and I’m moving a little slower after a long rehearsal last night. We’ve now got about %95 of the out of town players here, so we’re starting to get a good sense of what the issues are going to be this week. The Fourth may be the hardest Mahler symphony...
by Kenneth Woods | Sep 20, 2007 | A view from the podium, Nuts and bolts
It’s been a quiet, rainy afternoon at Vftp Intl Headquarters. I’ve mostly been perched at the piano going through the score of Schubert’s Fourth Symphony (in C minor, “Tragic”). It’s a piece I’ve been wanting to do for some years since I covered it in Cincinnati in...
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