You never know…..

There is a great article in today New York Times on guitar demigod, Jeff Beck. (Cool- Jeff Beck) “You look for the guys who can kick you” as a musician, “and Jeff can be filthy, stinky that way,” Mr. Walden said in an interview here. “He’s not just melody, or a guy...

The Well Tempered Ear- interview

I had a nice chat with long-time Madison music and arts critic and reporter Jakob Stockinger today, which has been posted on his excellent blog, The Well Tempered Ear. Jake’s blog is a fantastic musical resource for the city, and Madison is very lucky to have someone...

This week on the web

There is a lot of thoughtful commentary out there this week on conducting and conductorships, orchestra health and other related topics. Ex- Chicago Symphony boss and industry guru, who always seems to have a sensible take on things, takes on the VERY thorny question...