Does the Noise matter?

I was delighted and genuinely surprised this morning to see something completely unexpected as the main story on an extended discussion of Alex Ross’s new book, The Rest is Noise from Kevin Berger. I read Salon everyday, and have for some years now, but not...

RCCO: The pre-game show

There are some pieces that are great fun to perform, but perhaps not that rewarding to work on. These tend to be works that are high on adrenaline and testosterone that need a big arc of energy, but that perhaps don’t present a lot of opportunities for in depth...

RCCO- Schubert and Haydn

Just a quick reminder that the Rose City Chamber Orchestra is performing tomorrow, Sunday September 28th at 3 PM at Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church. Directions and information are available at the RCCO website, and tickets are available at the door. I mentioned...